tiistai 24. helmikuuta 2009


There are many people I would've liked to get to know better,
and it's a shame I didn't. But the ones I feel sad about are the people
I meet almost every day without knowing them. They know nothing
about me; they look at me briefly but they don't see me.

To them, I don't exist between the fleeting moments we share now
and then.They are the people I meet in hallways and classrooms;
the people I can laugh with three times a week. They are names
and faces, like I am to them.

Am I the only one who doesn't want it to be like that?

1 kommentti:

  1. Aaaivan. Ens syksynä mää naamailen siellä koulussa ja luokkahuoneissa aivan yksinäni.. Eli jos haluat muuttaa asioita, niin mun kohalla olis aivan tosi hyvä paikka alottaa! Oon iha kiva ja tarvin kavereita. =(
    Terveisin, SKAA-KAMU pienoisessa huppelissa
